Wednesday, February 5, 2014

50 Canvases in 2014 -- Canvas #4

HA! Canvas #4 is finished many, MANY days EARLY!!! It helps that I started working on it while I was working on Canvas #3. What can I say, gesso takes a long ass time to dry.

This time around the challenge was issued to Let it Drip. And there was a audible sigh heard 'round the world when I read those words. If anyone remembers the non-success I had with the whole free form watercolors thing from Anti-Journal Week 2, you will understand why I sighed. LOL Again, time to (wo)man up and embrace the adventure. :D I did, however, go about the whole 'drip' thing in a different way this time around.

I really like her. Her wild, pink hair, the dripping 'rain', etc. The only thing I'm not super fond of is the words. I like them, I'm don't love them. I wish that the pictures showed more true to the actual painting. She's really pretty. LOL

Anyway, there's my Canvas #4. Finished. DAYS ahead of schedule. :D If you would like to join in the 50 Canvases Challenge with me and the others that are participating, just check out the post on Wonderstrange for details.

I can't wait to see what's next!


  1. She is adorable!!! i love the drippy rain and her crazy hair. Nice job, girlie! :D

    1. :) Thanks! 'Canvas day', otherwise known as Thursday to the rest of the planet, has become one of my favorite days of the week.

  2. How am I just now seeing this?! She is SO pretty! I love that you gave direction to the drips and turned them into a "functional" element in the piece (if that makes sense). Fantastic work! Love the background, too!

  3. Thanks so much! :D The background is layers and layers and layers of layer-y-ness. LOL I really like the way it turned out.
