Sunday, January 26, 2014

50 Canvases in 2014 -- Canvas #2

Oddly enough, I'm not super great on the follow thru when it comes to things like running commitments that have no necessary deadlines or don't absolutely have to be done. I have so much going on that if it is not an absolute must do, I just never manage to stick with it. Which brings me to the WHOO HOO! of it all.
Say it with me -- I FINISHED MY SECOND CANVAS OF THE 50! Unh Huh! That's right!

Anyway, enough of that. LOL For the second week, Sarah (the Wonderstrumpet) challenged us to use something that we have never used before for this week's canvas. You can check out the original post over at the Wonderstrange blog. While you're over there, check out some of the other awesomeness going on. Ann made a cute little crochet headband. The canvas Sarah made for week 3 is AWWWWWWWEEEEESOME! Every single week Ann lists a new way to decorate your house with all the amazing artwork you create. Etc. Seriously, these amazing artists are working their tales off sharing what they know and challenging everyone to be their creative best. As well as operating their own businesses and taking care of their families. They ROCK so hard.

Back to the canvas showing!

This week, for the challenge, I used something I had never used before. Taking inspiration from Sarah's circus family canvas, I used duct tape and tiny trim tapes to mask off sections of the canvas I had prepped with a coat of matte white acrylic. I've never used tape in my painting before and found out that there is a bit of a learning curve. Perhaps I just didn't use the right one, but there was A TON of 'cleaning up' around the edges that I had to do after it had dried because the paint had bled under the edges of the tape. So, using it for stripes that don't need exact definition, probably okay. Using it for crisp, defined lines, not so much. LOL Whatevs. I survived.

And I LOVE my little Goth girl! Especially her little ear :D

The text on the left is a verse from the song 'American Pie' by Don Mclean. I have always loved that song, even with it being 9 minutes and a million verses long. It gives me goosebumps and makes me tear up every single time I listen to it. So, I spent about 9 hours searching thru pages of text for the words to one of the verses (and using cut out letters to make the words that the pages didn't have). It was truly a labor of love and I am so pleased with the way it turned out.

I know the pictures aren't super great (she doesn't look that 'harsh' in real life LOL) but I can't figure out how to make them any different. LOL And, honestly, I get to look at the real thing every day, so I'm good with that.

If you want to join in the challenge (and I seriously think you should), check out Wonderstrange for the details. Sarah posts a new canvas post on Thursdays (Week 3 looks AWESOME, but it is going to be a 'break out of the box' challenge for sure. LOL). They post stuff every day of the week, so there's always something new. Look around, you're sure to find something to join in on. I promise. If you do join in one of the activities, be sure that you go back and post a link somewhere so that I can see it.

On to #3!


  1. You really can't tell the paint did any bleeding, so great job! The text looks great!

    1. Thanks so much. :) You should have seen the 'Before'. It was not pretty. There were some words involved that are not for tiny ears. LOL

  2. I am seriously excited for you! that canvas is fantastic. I usually use masking tape with mine, making sure to always use an up and down motion and not side to side to keep the paint from sliding under the tape - just like you'd do with a stencil.

    Her little ear! SO GOOD. So good that I totally forgive you for getting that damn song stuck in my head all evening. ;)

    Thanks for all the love! <3

    1. I will likely try the tape thing again. Just because I like the even-ness it gives.

      I am totally loving her ear. It's amazing to me. I honestly doubt I could do it again though. It was a first a.d likely that's why it went so well. Next time I'll be cursing for hours. LOL

      And, as for the song being stuck in your head, you're very welcome. :D (What? It's a good song. And it could be worse. ;))

    2. Oh yeah, and no need to thank me for the love. I completely appreciate all that you ladies do. I know you're busy and have lives and are plotting world domination and all that. I feel priviledged to be able to learn from you both. (OMG I sound like a fangirl. ROFL Either that or a stalker.)

  3. I came over from you link on Sewing Mama's, and what a great creativity challenge! I really like this canvas, too.

    A tip for you with the paint and the lines. Once you put the tape down, do a layer of your white acrylic (or whatever you base color will be) first and then put down your secondary color after it dries. That way the base color bleeds under first and your secondary color should be crisp. That is how it works with painting lines on walls, so hopefully that can transfer to painting canvas. Might as well give it a shot! :)

    1. Ooooooo! GOOD tip! I never would've thought of that. Thanks! ;) The challenge is awesome. It definitely stretches the brain and gets that creativity out there. Thanks for your kind words. :)
