Monday, February 10, 2014

And They Call It The Stash Game

A 'stash' is defined as a secret store of something. You can also refer to it as a cache, hoard, stockpile, accumulation, collection, or reserve. These terms can be applied to just about anything that you can amass in quantity. Including fabric. Although, as someone who does, in fact, have a rather substantial stash, I prefer to think of it differently. When referring to my personal stash, I like to use the following quote:

'THE STASH is your 'home base, your security, your legacy.'
(Some poor souls think it's a nagging reminder of what you haven't done yet...)
WE, on the other hand, prefer to regard your PRECIOUS STASH as your Potential for Creativity!'
~Lindy, The Silver Needle Newlsetter, 5.12.09

Perfect description. :D My stash is indeed a glorious thing to behold.

About a week ago, I posted my Anti-Journal and in that post I talked a tiny bit about the Stash Game. Twice a year, the women (there have been a couple of men, but mostly it is women) of SewingMamas participate in what we call 'The Stash Game'. It is completely voluntary and we all work on the honor system and what we call 'Sew N Show' to report our stuff for the game part of it. We collect points based on the yardage we sew and things that we use (elastic, buttons, etc - these are commonly called notions). We can also accrue points for fabric that we sell or give away/donate. Although, I'm not sure that anyone banks a whole lot of points for giving away fabric, most of us are pretty dang attached to our stashes. LOL And, there are prizes to be won as well.

I find it to be a good time to make things like pajamas and clothes for the next coming season and things like that. And, with two nearly grown children, it goes thru a fair amount of my stocked up fabric stash as well. Which banks me some point. :D This is the first stash game in my nearly 7 years on the site that I have actually participated for more than a week (hello! Not exactly a commitment minded individual here.) I have participated a couple of days here and there in the past, but always started. Never finished. We just submitted our week #1 totals to the 'StashGoddess' and haven't found out where we are in the rankings yet. But for the first week, I logged some serious sewing time and that added up to a grand total of 218 points, which translates to 22.5 yards of fabric sewn, equaling 3 tops, a nightgown, a dress, and a scarf for the youngest, 6 pairs of pajama shorts for the oldest, and 5 pairs of pajama leggings for me.

Now that I have those basics out of the way, it has been going to bit slower as far as the sewing goes. But, I'm excited to see what I end up with at the end of it all. So far, I am well on my way to completing my goal of sewing thru 200 yards of fabric by the end of this year. And that is exciting to me. :D Trust me. 200 yards will barely make a dent. But I will have accomplished something I set out to do and that is well worth it to me.

I will update here as soon as I know how week #1 pans out - where I stand in the rankings, etc. And I will continue to post updates as the game goes on.


  1. Damn girl! That is a LOT of fabric. Go go go, kick some ass! (I suddenly don't feel so bad about my stash of faux fur.. hahaha)

    1. I should post a picture of my stash for reference. Then you could actually see what I mean when I say 'barely a dent' LOL Perhaps I will do that next post. Faux fur? Do tell.

  2. Rock on Mama! I just bought $500 of fabric, 260 yards or so. It's for the school performance which is why I'm not doing stash game, but a big part of me panicked. That's a lot of points to recover from. . .

    1. ROFL That would be a SG fail of EPIC proportions. I'm so dang excited to see the costumes.
