Saturday, January 11, 2014

50 Canvases in 2014 -- Canvas #1

Last time I mentioned that I had decided to participate in the 50 Canvases in 2014 challenge over at Wonderstrange. I actually have a bunch of canvas paper and canvas boards and a couple of stretched canvases lying around just waiting to be painted on. So this challenge is actually perfect.

I just finished up the first of the 50 and I really like it. It even has the 3 stencils that Sarah gave as a challenge (Although you really can't see them. Other than the bubbles.) I did purposely cover one of them up completely because I HATED it that much. LOL The canvas itself was a stretch for me as it is larger than anything I've ever painted (11" X 14") before. Not only that, but the fact that I haven't painted more than just a couple of things in about 3 years made it a bit difficult (I'm sure that someone else would have breezed right thru and done a much better job, but this is my adventure. I'm going with it.) At one point, the oldest girlchild told me it looked like a 'cute ChibiSealMonkey'. Whatever that is. And I'm pretty sure I've heard enough "But where are her arms?", or some variation of that phrase, to last me a lifetime (I suck at arms. She's armless. I'm okay with that. It's my painting and I'll paint them if I want to. Which, I don't.)
Anyway, first one done. On to the next thing.

 photo 100_6465_zpsa2d7b057.jpg

Again, the picture is not the greatest, but it's there. I say her expression looks sad, everyone else says it's probably 'cuz she has no arms. Whatever.

Next week the canvas is going to be much, much smaller. And the painting will be much, much differenter (What?!??! It's a word. I just said it. That makes it a word.)

Should anyone decide they want to join in, you are more than welcome to. Check out the challenge for details (and an awesome video by Sarah) and just jump right in. No worries, no pressure. :D


  1. OMG!! She is fantastic. I absolutely love her. I don't think she looks sad! I think she looks annoyed. Maybe annoyed by all of the people asking where her arms are?

    I really love her hair! I am so happy that you're playing along!!! :D

    1. ROFL Thanks so much. I like her too. And I actually really like that she's armless.

      Pretty sure that Ann should give us all lessons in how to create amazing hair. ;)

    2. Awwww! So sweet of you! Hair is on my list of Things To Get Massively Better At. So I'm thrilled you've been liking my hair! :D

  2. OMFG, I love her grumpy little face! She is SO totally over being asked about her arms. She's all, "Look. Do I ask you why you're missing brain cells? I DO NOT. Leave the arms alone already. Don't make me show you what a tail-whomping from a mermaid feels like!"

    I also love the rocks on the ocean floor! They repeat the boxy negative space in the bend of her tail, and I think we all know how I feel about repeating elements in a composition! (And in case we don't, I love it!)

    1. LOL I, too, love her expression.

      The rocks were added by request of my youngest girlchild. I both like them and dislike them, all at the same time. (I did not know that about you and repeating elements. I did know about the opposing height thing, but not repeating elements. LOL)

  3. She only needs arms if she's going to do something. I think this is a marvelous piece of artwork.

    1. Thank you for your kind comments. :D

      Some things that it has been pointed out to me that she will not be able to do -- balance herself while swimming (the oldest girlchild suggested that it would be much like a dolphin without their fins. She would just constantly roll over.), eat, play games (???), use her sword ('cuz she HAS a sword?). Kids are strange.

  4. She really is adorably grumpy. Lovely mix of textures!

    1. Thank you. :) I like the textures too. It actually started out as a 'collage' piece that never went anywhere. So, I just painted over all the stuff. I think it gives it a really awesome feel.
